Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First August Hotbuys

The new hot buys earring for august just came out today.I would buy them especially if i'm a hot buys collector,but what I don't really like about it is its kinda to simple it should have had more like summer bright colors on it.The price is very reasonable.

This is all of the August Hotbuys for 2011
Dates Come Out:(In Order)

Hotbuy Navajo Earring -August 2nd
Hotbuy Bear Hat- August 5th
Hotbuy Chinoise Blazer- August 8th
Hotbuy Cheetah Stole -August 10th
Hotbuy BeatleManie Dress- August 13th
Hotbuy Leblon Miniskirt -August 16th
Hotbuy Bow Platform -August 19th
Hotbuy Boquet Purse - August 21st
Hotbuy Chevron Leggings -August 23rd